
Welcome to IGRA's new All Israel Database!

This search engine currently features 150,695 records from more than 100 different databases and was last updated on 15 April 2013.
The Israel Genealogy Research Association [IGRA] has set as one of its primary aims the preparation of databases based upon various records, mainly found in Israel, for as wide an audience as possible. The large amount of archives located in Israel dealing with communities in Israel and Jewish communities outside of Israel have records in a variety of languages but mostly in Hebrew and English. Our data come from Archives as well as publications which are on open shelves in libraries.
We aim to scan the materials, build databases with the pertinent information, and then to link to the original scans, where archival permission has been granted. Surnames and first names will be transliterated from Hebrew to English, and vice versa, depending on the language of the original material. This will enable researchers who are not familiar with the other language to find the families they are searching for.

The databases loaded are divided into 3 eras: